Monday, December 20, 2004

Are the EVP Ghost Voices in the White Noise Movie Real or Fake?

I quickly find the answer to the burning question I and everyone else will have:

Are the EVP recordings from the movie White Noise real or a hollywood fake? We have the answer to at least the one attributed to 'Ruth Baxter who died in 1987'.

It turns out this one is actually both real and a fake! Sarah Estep, founder of the AA_EVP, recorded the voice when visiting an old lighthouse that was once used as a civil war hospital. She believes it says "I was seeing the war" and no one has any idea who Ruth Baxter is.
"I will see you no more" or "I was seeing the war"? Listen and decide

A notice on her evp recordings page explains the whole thing.
It is interesting that we have had several messages from visitors to this site that have wanted us to know that they hear the EVP we call, "I was seeing the war," in other ways. For instance, "I was seeing the water" or "I will see you no more." We can understand how these alternative interpretations are possible. Sarah was in a lighthouse that was used as a Civil War hospital, and it is natural for her to have been looking for a Civil War related interpretation. Someone listening to the EVP in a different setting could very easily hear the utterance in a different way. Sarah has given her permission for Universal to use this example with the interpretation that better supports the story in White Noise. We do not know who the person is to which Universal attributes the voice.
And that answers that. At least this one, and I suspect a few more, of the EVP voices from the movie White Noise are real. Just expect hollywood to embellish a little bit with the details.

Check this out: Evidence Ruth Baxter may have rehearsed for the movie in NM?


Anonymous said...

Wow! That's great!

Thanks for telling us. I was really wondering if all this was real or not. It sounds exciting. I'll read more about it. I just wanted to say what a great job and to keep up the good work!

Anonymous said...

The "white Noise" EVP saying "get out of my house" was taken from the web site

Anonymous said...

I wrote this on another page, but since this is the one people come to first:

Melita Quinn is looking a lot like our Ruth Baxter, wouldn't you say?

Anonymous said...

The blog is great and I have appreciated reading it. Thanks.

With all the recent attention to EVP, have been thinking about the supernatural/home electronics connection and a particular incident that happened to me about ten years ago when I was a senior in college.

I was living in a creepy two-hundred year old apartment building with a roomate. One evening, we were cooking in the kitchen and decided to put some music on. I walked over to the small stereo located around the wall from the kitchen. There was a pile of CD's on the table next to the stereo and I was looking for a particular salsa CD (Albita)--suddenly had the urge to hear it but couldn't seem to find it.

All of a sudden, the very CD I was searching for came blasting out of the BEDROOM stereo at top volume. Because my roomate in the kitchen couldn't see that I hadn't been the one to put the music on, she was yelling, "turn it down, turn it down we're going to get written up" (it happened to be finals week in the college-owned building).

When I let her know that I HAD NOT PUT THE MUSIC ON, she instinctively grabbed the knife she had been chopping with and we went to check out my bedroom, where the music was coming from--there was nobody in there.

Still don't know what to make of this incident...was followed by several more *weird* happenings, not only in this apartment, but in the next two apartments that I lived in.

The question I still ask myself is, can "entities" or beings on the other side read minds???

RegManabq said...

Thats a great story! Thanks for all the feedback and I'm glad you enjoyed your visit.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

I think Ruth Baxter is real

Anonymous said...

I dont believe any of this. If you believed in God neither would you... thats the sad part.

RegManabq said...

Why would believing in God negate a belief in the after life? Don't they kind of go hand in hand?

I don't think I will ever understand all the email I get telling me I should believe in God. I do, that's why I believe communication with ghosts is possible. If there were no ghosts, then there is no God.

READ THE BIBLE, it's full of ghosts.

Anonymous said...

what if all souls linger until the rapture? or what if we choose our own ending? what if some are reincarnated and some are here, because they are awaiting an end? just trying to make ya think...

RegManabq said...

GOOD point! Those who literally interpret the bible might agree since it does say the messiah will come and raise the dead then!

And thanks for making us think, that's what this blog is all about after all!

Great comment and thanks for stopping by. I hope you subscribed so you can follow along as I explore further!

Anonymous said...

it drives me crazy when people say "if you believed in God, you would'nt believe in ghosts". I say, the bible teaches that we have a judgement day, and I have never personally read where it says that the exact moment when we die, we go to heaven or hell. If we did, what would be the point in judgement day? If we were judged when we died, there would be no point. I think we all go to another realm of existence, surrounding this world, waiting to be judged.

Anonymous said...

If you really want to know, you should ask Jesus, he died, didn't he?

Anonymous said...

We really enjoy your posting in regards to the EVP Phenomina. We ourselves are a research organization dedicated the research and study of E.V.P. We invite you to visit our website and submit your comments and opinions and perhaps research that you have aquired. Please visit our website

Anonymous said...

dont beleive "derek acorahs ghost town" or "most haunted" or "john edwards" or "james van prague" (thats the ones i can think of at the moment)if these people have got time to put it on tv with comentary and instant replay, they have enough time to edit the footage to suit their stories - Although i do not disscredit those people who have had a REAL experience.

Anonymous said...

I can well remember as a child, and I'll be 52 this year, my parents were waiting to pick me up from a camp fire girls camping trip. My father had just bought a cassette deck player, capable of recording and both he and my mother decided to wait for me in an old, empty and abandoned church that had been built as a memorial to the previous owners son who had been killed in an auto accident. The land, when I was a child and still is today I imagine, a park now and is nearly completely all woodland, the old church surrounded. Nevertheless, my parents waited for me in this old church and on impulse he decided to record the sounds of nature since they were alone and it was such a beautiful early summer day. I eventually made my appearance and we all got in the car to go and visit my grandmother in town. On the way into town my mother decided to play back what had been recorded fully expecting to hear the sounds of the bird song, etc. What we heard instead was the faint sounds of a drum beating, then a very clear and whispery male voice saying "Keep and guard it well." then you heard the drum beating again and silence. My parents taken back and intrigued, did some digging in township records about the land itself. It seems that before the land was made a park, before the woman had built the church as a memorial to her son, the land used to be the sight, in the Revolutionary Days, the sight of an old indian village, a fairly extensive one that covered a majority of the tiny village enwhich I grew up in New England. Lastly I will note, the tape and the tape recorder only worked four other times after that 1st playing. Twice more for my parents, once for my Uncle who was living with us at the time and the very last time for a family friend who was a Native American shaman. After the last time, the tape did play, once or twice I seem to recall, but indeed, played BACKWARDS and unmistakeably so and after that, the tape recorder ceased working at all. I will also note that even after purchasing a new tape recorder, the tape still refused to work although every other cassette we put in the new recorder did work!

Anonymous said...

Not all of us belive in God! The 'sad part' is your to ignorant to know that! Also if you don't believe in it why you on this page!!