Saturday, November 19, 2005

Darren's EVP Society

The EVP Society is the brain child of Darren Blanchard, otherwise known around the internet as OrdMandell, a guy who started recording EVP just a week ago and already has some amazing recordings.

Darren is very excited about his early results and has already built an attractive website to showcase them. He has spent much of the last two weeks learning all he can about EVP and has been making good progress.

I first met him over at where he has quickly become a very active forum member. He reminds me somewhat of myself in my first few days of EVP study. He is eager to learn and reaching out for information wherever he can find it. I thought I might bring all of you along to check out his new site since he was kind enough to ask for my opinion.

The EVP Society is just a shell of a site at the moment, albeit one with a cool picture of a dead tree, but the good stuff is in his archives anyway, so lets just listen to his EVP.

His first EVP recorded on 8 November is amazingly clear and would scare the pants off most people. I'm not sure how anyone would feel when they hear a definite voice say "SHUT UP" when recording EVP for the first time. Darren was not discouraged.

Making no claims about his skills with audio software or recording devices, he is learning as he goes and the quality of the samples is greatly improving as he gains experience with the equipment. He is using Cool-Edit and is quickly learning how to properly filter his recordings without changing them. Still, many of his EVP are unclear or over processed. I do applaud him for posting his entire first session with whitenoise. That's good research, good sharing and a good listen. Nice Job!

My favorite is titled "how do I get out of here". It's very clear, but makes you wonder who needs to get out of where? Maybe Darren can find out.

We shall keep an eye on Darren and the EVP Society and I hope everyone welcomes and assists him in anyway you can, while forgiving the occasional cultural faux paus he is bound to make as a new comer to the world of the paranormal.


Anonymous said...
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Reed said...

Aside from some spooky Halloween audio, how does the study or practice of EVP Recording benefit humanity in any way, shape or form? It just seems like a mind numbing practice taken on by endless drones who have more time than common sense.

Don't get me wrong, I like the fact that you stay impartial, it just seems like a passing fancy (brought on by pop culture movies White Noise and - to a lesser extent - The Sixth Sense) that will eventually return to the norm of a few serious "ghost hunters" - if you can call yourself a "serious ghot hunter" and children having sleep overs.

Anonymous said...

Any he cross dresses.!!

Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

Darrin is a fucking nut case. You make up so much bullshit, its not even funny.

That is why he is not even allowed on HauntedVoices, or the TAPS forums anymore for that matter.

He tries to PM women for dates, and makes himself look like he knows what hes talking about. His site is a cheesy fucking geocities free site, that has links to free downloads! WOW Darrin, you fucking goofball, I bet that was real hard to to put together!

Oh, and BTW, since you named yourself after a Star Wars planet, it's's Ord Mantell, not Mandell. I swear your an un-educated fruit-loop, who has nothing better to do, than be a total POSER!!!!!

Go overdose on crack you fucking pathetic loser! I hope you die, you worthless piece of total shit!

Anonymous said...

Kovalinsky after my husband's death in march 06 i came upon a book which had a section on EVP. I thought it was absurd and not worth bothering with, and yet it got to me, in a way. I found myself experimenting w/ a digital recorder, and to my astonishment received answers to 2 questions in the unmistakable voice of my dead husband, which was replayed many times for family members who heard it clearly(at precise counter # ea time). There is truth in it, I am a middle aged scholar and quite fluent in scepticism.

Anonymous said...

Just an additional insight: supposing EVP recordings may be the picking up of "psychic imprints/leftover 'footprints' from the deceased's former personality: even so, the fact that such imprints are able to respond to questions (e.g., my husband answered 'yes' when asked if he could speak) means that such imprints are interactive. And if such interactive imprinting is possible in this sense, we can by inference conclude that it may be so in m any other senses as well.

Anonymous said...

Yes, for I am a typing spirit {TSP} typing spirit phenomena and I zoom right into puter,what freedom it IS--and sooooooo much room to explore knowledge. Me love your site. but it takes much energy to type,as i haves helps w/other entities presently. so long

Anonymous said...

I am just starting to learn about the paranormal. It bothers me that you have such foul langauage on your site. These people should not be on this site unless they interested in this topic. They should save that kind of behavior and rude comments for the prono sites. Keep up the good work, there far more of us with you than against you.

Anonymous said...

hello, i think if you don't believe you should not be on this sight! maybe you are so neg. they will not talk to you ,just like god ! if you had it like that you would not be on the sight you do not believe in! dumb a==! go and learn more and show other everyone has a a op. like we all have a a** ho**!

Anonymous said...

OK, I have to be the EVP Queen. For over two years now I have set out a recorder as I went to sleep. Why I did so is another story. What I have gotten is not only EVPs but us talking to eachother. Perhaps I'm channeling. I don't know. I have had sleep apnea for over thirty years. It feels like I might just touch on the fringes of another dimensiion. It is all too strange. It even gets stranger. I have gone on Youtube and heard my voice on anothers EVP video, plus much more. I uploaded it onto my site. I am not the only one who agrees it is my voice, on their video. Please go to - videos. You can also go to the last few photos and see what I have photographed. My eyes attract magnets, I hold a cold metal teapot and it buzzes, my watch speeds up on command. I'm not making this stuff up. Please observe for yourselves and comment.

Anonymous said...

Ok. I have heard "voices" for years and years. They aren't telling me anything, but it's like I'm eavesdropping on conversations. I have no idea what they are talking about. The other night, as I was trying to sleep, I had the fan on low and I was just laying there. As plain as day, I heard a boxing match going on. The announcers even mentioned that the winner would get $50,000. Most times, if I try to listen, it fades away. That night, it just kept going on. So, I got on the couch and it went away. At work, when the AC is on, I can hear music. No one else is ever able to hear this stuff. I'm used to it and I just know to turn off the fan or whatever when it gets annoying.

Anonymous said...

Hi, I've never visited this site before, and I still don't know quite what to think. I know very little about your site, but I do know something about evp. I haven't done it long, just a little over three years, but I have recorded many very good evp. You said this person had just started, but was already capturing some quality evp. EVP is a learned skill, and it takes months if not years to master it. Actually master is probably the wrong term, because in my experience, there are no masters. There are many very good students, but it's an on-going learning process. EVP has it's own unique timing and cadence. I truly thought that I was very good, shortly after I began, but after 6 months I realized that wasn't true. I'm still learning and getting better after 3 years. I've always detested noise reduction, and very seldom used it. 99 % of people over-do their evps, and I make it a point, to keep alterations to a minimum. Sorry, I don't mean to run on, but I'm very passionate about evp work. Thanks

SpiritChanneller said...

For those doing evp's and all paranormal investigations hoping to prove life after death keep up the good work, but keep in mind when we take on this endeavor we will be challenged at every turn and I know this because of the reactions I get.
When entering this kind of research we need to keep an open mind and step away from following the path most christians follow which tells us not to do this and it also has priests and all sorts of ordinary people thinking that people who do this are up to no good when nothing could be further from the truth, we who search are much like astronauts who board a space ship with the intention of proving something scientific and in order to do that we have to sluff off some of the things we have been taught down through the ages and keep an open mind as to just what else is out there in the universe.
I personally know there is life after death because I talk to guides and dead relatives day and night as a psychic but try to tell that to others and you will see how they treat this kind of knowledge and so I am here to encourage those who seek, and set out to gather scientific proof and to do good with the knowledge you acquire and don't let anyones negativitive thoughts dissuade you, because life is out there beyond earth and we all live in spirita fter death just as jesus and others have taught us and so keep the teachings of jesus and step out there and add your own truths to that of jesus because he died for what he believed and so will I if it comes to that to further scientific research into life after death.

Dead relatives visit us all the time and so do evil spirits so keep the teachings of jesus who said evil spirits are among us and there is good and evil out there and I know all this to be true because I am a psychic medium who has a lot of the answers but ge tting people to believe is another story.

Anonymous said...

I am a believer based upon my findings at the link below.

I would love some feedback from anyone and everyone. Thanks for looking if you you have the time.


Anonymous said...

EVP s are important to paranormal research because they are helping to prove life after death.
Many people go to church and say they believe and follow the word of jesus who promised us everylasting life yet when someone who does evps and claims to channel for spirits of the dead the way many psychics do they go into speels of curses and calling channellers and evp people crazy and say all sorts of bad things.
The truth is when people die their spirit and all the intelligence and memories both good and bad leaves the hell of abody on earth to be disposed of or buried and the spirit with its intelligence travels to the world beyond and from there it can return anytime it wants to or it can travel the world trying to reach humans to let them know they are still very much alive and are anxious to continue to work through them to make the world a better place for all of us.
One day when the naysayers reach the other side they will be very happy to know this and now we should work to make more humans aware of the wonderful gift those who have died can still share with the world if we will only believe in life after death the way jesus taught us.