Called the 4Cell EVP Demonstration, the main goal is to show that actual, provable communication can be had between experimenters and whomever is causing these strange voices people keep recording that we call the Electronic Voice Phenomenon.
So far, few researchers have even attempted, let alone actually accomplished an extended two way dialogue with these seemingly disembodied "entities". While many of the EVP recordings seem to be answering direct questions of the researchers, there is room for interpretation and the skeptics are always quick to point this out.
So, the AA-EVP wants to create a "test bed" with an established protocol, detailed records and weekly sessions to answer some basic questions about this amazing phenomenon in a way that minimizes direct personal involvement and therefore any possible direct or indirect interference on the part of individual researchers.
The questions they hope to answer:
- Can you communicate and perhaps have some sort of conversation with the "other side"?
- What forms of information are most easily communicated?
- What are the best methods for training people to conduct transcommunication.
- And which devices work best for capturing voices or images from these invisible benefactors?
Here is how it works:
One person, called the 'Requester' comes up with the question they will ask of the "entity". The Requester tells no one, at least no one living here on Earth what that question will be, but they are not clear on exactly how the Requester makes the request known to those they wish to communicate with.
Next, another person called the 'Sender' asks those on the other side to answer the question posed by the Requester. But, they don't actually make the recording, that's done by another person called the 'Receiver'.
The Receiver is always unaware of the specifics of the request and simply attempts to record any responses the "other side" might wish to make.
After the recording is completed, a fourth person, the 'Scribe' compares any recorded messages with the actual question asked by the Requester to see if the answer matches.
If there is a reasonable assumption that the recording is indeed in answer to the Requesters question, then the recording gets posted to the AA-EVP discussion group so that other members, called the "listening panel", can review the recording to see if they can concur on what was said and if indeed it was a response to the question posed.
All the while any communication between the four cell members will be conducted via an email list so that they will have detailed recorded archives of what was said and when.
This is the kind of stuff I've been waiting for! It's ok to go to a cemetery or be sitting in your house and ask "what is your name" and then record something you think might be a name, but this way there is a firm question, a firm answer, a peer review process of sorts and detailed records.
Not to mention, with the same group working together over a period of months, the possiblility of expanding on previous questions and actually having a conversation is very exciting!
So, what have they found so far? Great results came the very first week!
The question was asked by one group 'Does it take more of your energy to manifest a Class 'A' EVP? If so please indicate your answer as 'More energy' or 'No difference.' (I love that it's only multiple choice, not much room for interpretation here!)
The answer? An amazing "no difference" was clearly heard by the listening panel. Amazing! (It also leads to the obvious question 'then why do we have so many more class 'B' and 'C' EVP, but I'm sure they will get to that)
Another group posed the question "Can you tell me the name of JR's make-believe sister?" While this question does leave some room for personal interpretation and there is a remote possiblility that other participants might know this, the expected answer was "Sissy Sally" which is fairly specific and leaves little room for any interpretation on the part of the panel.
What response did they agree on after reviewing their recordings? "Sally is the name"! Now that's close enough for me!
What an exciting project. It seems this started back in May and I can't wait to learn what they have discovered since then.
As always, I'll keep you informed and I want to send a big giant
to the fine folks at the AA-EVP for attempting this. It has great potential and moves us in the right direction of proving what the heck EVP really is!